Showing posts with label contents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contents. Show all posts



This site is to step by step mirror my bilingual personal portal as a back-up*, starting with :

Other parts of my personal portal other beers cannot reach shall join the party in the future.

Meanwhile, you can browse my other websites :

You can also leave comments on the blogs or contact me through LinkedIn.


* since I did the back-up by batch and Blogger only considers the dates of input for each blog, the blogs may not always appear in chronological order. I specified when needed the original dates. I also decided to use only one set of labels, which explains the existence of pages in both French and English.
Copyright Stephane MOT 2003-2024 Welcome to my personal portal : blogules - blogules (VF) - mot-bile - footlog - Seoul Village - footlog archives - blogules archives - blogules archives (VF) - dragedies - Citizen Came - Copyright Stephane MOT