- my "blogules" archives for the years 2003 (full list) and 2004 (H1 2004 and H2 2004) - the French version remains to be backed-up, and blogules have their own websites since 2005 (in English and in French)
- some inept definitions of various concepts
- a few not always snappy answers to not always stupid questions
Meanwhile, you can browse my other websites :
- stephanemot.com (due to traffic, the server is often down)
- blogules
- blogules (VF)
- mot-bile (the click and mortal portal / blog)
- footlog (blogules sur gazon)
- La Ligue des Oublies (l'Autre Histoire du football)
- Seoul Village (Seoul "as it is being")
- citizen came (a few stats and profiles of visitors caught in my web)
* since I did the back-up by batch and Blogger only considers the dates of input for each blog, the blogs may not always appear in chronological order. I specified when needed the original dates. I also decided to use only one set of labels, which explains the existence of pages in both French and English.