
define: economy

To me, the word "economy" covers all the sciences and techniques facilitating the comprehension of a system or an activity (ie individual, society, company, living organism...).

Economy can use mathematics, social sciences, history, psychology, ethnology... you name it.

That's what makes its charm, and the reason why I chose this path instead of more hemiplegic studies (back then, it was either "sciences" or "literature").

Like politics, economy is fundamentally noble, but reality a slightly different matter. We shall win over nowadays depression only by opening ourselves up to economy, not by trying to elude it because we forgot what it means for the future of this planet (see "
This is not a financial crisis").

define: blogule

blogule (blä-gyül) : noun (Etymology: French, diminutive of blog - Created: late 1990s early 2000s) - a small blog. blogules are not bits of wisdom but useless series of words emitted by the author when he needs to purge himself.

Blogules" are, as you may have guessed, small blogs. Some are red, rather aggressive but nourishing. Some are white, more of the "slomo" kind, but also profitable for the organism. Stephane MOT march 2003


On writing short stories

I write stories which happen to be short.
I don't feel a need to tell more than needed. It would be like adding water to wine.
To me, format is not a key issue. It's just like painting : when you're mentioning the size of a frame, you're into advertizing or home improvement.

(20071014) answer to the question "do you write short stories ?"


Define: creativity

The ability to see things that can't be seen


and may never be

(20070617) answer to the question "What does creativity mean to you?"


On poverty and violence

(answer to the question "Poverty generates violence: true or false?")

I always distinguish poverty from despair. Poverty can be measured, and some people manage to live happily with only a few things. Despair is what people actually feel. More than poverty, despair and injustice lead to violence, and moreover, violence generates violence. The initial violence can be either physical or psychological, and great injustice is a kind of violence.

Hopelessness makes people do extreme things. You cannot repair injustice but have some impact, make yourself be heard. With the help of often cynical manipulators, you can be turned into a suicide bomber : your suffering stops, you make other people suffer, you have an impact and you make yourself be heard in a final kaboom.

On truth

(answer to the question "how can we be sure of what is "true"?")

Our digital world relies on series of 0 and 1, and for every single digit you can truly tell whether you have a 1 or a 0. Beyond that, there is no guarantee whatsoever regarding what you make of these series. You may not speak the same language nor share the same culture, you can at least use some common tools.

Our world basically works on compromises, truthes that any logician could destroy in a blink. Truth is a subjective label. It wholly depends on the referential and the context. This car is blue ? True, but wrong to the eyes of a color blind people or to a vast number of animal species. The plant you see green reflects the only color it doesn't need.

Truth is about certainty, psychological comfort. People need certainties, some landmarks. You are a farmer, feeling comfortable when standing with your feet down on the ground, but do you realize this earth is cruising space at an amazing speed ?

The quest for truth is universal, but if you are looking for truth, you are bound to end up either disapointed or manipulated. Truth is the ultimate Weapon of Mass Disinformation for propagandists, who offer comfort and certainties for free. No one can claim a belief to be true.

To me, truth is boring. I don't enjoy contemplating series of 0 and 1 for long. I need to feel the sting of doubt, the beauty of life blooming beyond the tracks. Which doesn't mean I enjoy staying in the dark, in the cave described by Plato. I don't believe progress will bring answers to all questions but I enjoy research all the same. It is just that I don't expect to find truthes.

A scientist who always talks about truth is likely to be a fake scientist, generally acting in the name of a caricature of religion (see Intelligent Design, the Discovery Institute, almost every sect...).”

On the future of globalization

(answer to the question "What is the future of globalization?")

We have come to the point time and space cannot be shrunk any more significantly. Our instant societies allow people to seize opportunities at the other end of the planet in a blink. Reaching the cutting edge requires tools that are now almost commoditized. Differenciation becomes difficult.

To me, the financial system is on the verge of a turning point, things will have to change. A consensus on the diagnostic should emerge as surely as it did on our environment. I'm not sure transitions will be smooth. Globalization demands a global approach, a comprehensive approach. People fear for their identities, their culture, their independence, but they also feel things have to change.

Alter-globalization is not very mature nowadays, mostly reactionary or conservative in a sense it proposes XIXth century alternatives, as radical as the ones it condemns.
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