Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11. Show all posts


Red Blogule to the Alliance of Fanatics - Vote Bush-Bin Laden 2004 !

Archives 20041030

(regarding Osama Bin Laden's intervention before the US Elections)

What I saw yesterday was a politician - neither a jihaddist warlord nor a religious leader - inviting himself to the debate, behind his stand. No red tie but as elegant an outfit as Karzai's. He waited for the candidates to use their time up and spill their beans. He's exposing his results and his programs. Facts and figures. No need to talk about his convictions - the message obviously passed earlier during the campaign.

Bin Laden just reminds the American audience he's not at war with the US and that his ennemies are moderate muslims. America was the one to start hostilities, helping Israel attack Lebanon. On September the 11th, Baby Doc paid for Papa Doc. Joseph Goebbels being long gone and Karl Rove being already hired by someone else, I wonder which hotshot propaganda expert this man drafted...

Without spending hundreds of million dollars in campaigning, this man sets the agenda. This is neither about Bush's results nor about Kerry's program. You want to promote democracy ? Be consistent and let the US majority withdraw the troops of Iraq, let the middle east populations, polarized by your fanatism, elect radical leaders... Now that you've done your job beyond my wildest expectations you can leave me alone. You think you're leading the world but you've misled it. Vote Bush-Bin Laden 2004!

SM on a forum

White Blogule - putting more pressure on Dubya for debate 2


(discussion between prez debates 1 and 2)

Homeland security is one thing, homegrown propaganda another. Kerry should expose W in next debate.

Last thursday, John made a strong point remembering Osama was the one who did 9/11, not Saddam. He has one more move to do in order to complete the home run on this issue.Let's make it clear, with the bold facts :
- because of the Weapons of Mass Disinformation carpeting the US since 9/11, too many US citizen still believe there was a link between Iraq and 9/11
- the intelligence cannot be blamed since the only tiny thread (a meeting in Baghdad) was very early confirmed as a fake by the US as well as by European and Middle East intel services
- the Veep keeps telling lies about it
- the Prez did admit something but not wholeheartedly, and even now keeps leaking fake lapses (oops, did it again during debate 1 - too bad a smart man was in the audience and had the opportunity to talk back)

Here and now, during this very debate and in the name of truth, let Kerry ask Bush to confirm he was wrong when he said there was a link between Saddam and 9/11, and that Dick Cheney, the man who would be President if anything happened to him, is wrong when he maintains it. Now regarding the way this Administration is defending the US : the strategy is totally counterproductive. It is the way a fascist regime would proceed : isolating the country from its partners, depriving citizens from freedom and raising fear across the land with people as respectful of democracy as Hoover or McCarthy, exporting chaos and fueling terrorism abroad and at home with a crusade in the name of God...

The question is not what President Kerry could do to improve this arsenal, but how long it will take for America to fix the mess and restore its pride.

Bush fails to defend the US because he fails to respect its values. He is corrupting America from the inside and should not be allowed to do more harm at the command of the country...

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "Dear Compassionate Leader" - Bush: the opposite of compassion

Archives 20040910 (see blogules 2004)

Imposture again. Would deserve more exposure in the medias.

How dares Bush say he is compassionate after missing such an historical opportunity as the "after 9/11"?

Just remember - it's not that far away: right after America has been struck by the most massive terrorist attack ever, the whole world is with the USA and grieves with them. Beyond terror, there is the hope for a new world: will the international community seize this unique opportunity to do things differently, to move closer to each other, to build a more tolerant and compassionate world ? The very first statesman to visit the US and Ground Zero is a man who as a mayor and Prime Minister, knew all about being hit by terror. A man who knew the worst thing to do was to start a religious crusade and fuel the hatred across the globe. Jacques Chirac offers Bush his full support and will send troops to Afghanistan because the war to the Taliban regime is legitimate for the war on terror.

But the POTUS made the wrong choices. Instead of leveraging on the support of the whole international community, he accumulates mistakes and manages, within a few weeks, to have most countries against the US (and the few leaders backing his crusades don't have the support of their own people). The victim becomes a wreckless outlaw, the criminals become heroes or victims. Bush is killing the 9/11 victims one more time, and will even do it once more during his campaign, using the images of the tragedy for his reelection ads.

The problem is showing compassion is not being compassionate, especially when you're making a show out of your so called compassion. Compassion is not about stealing other people's hearts.

But the American people isn't aware of this imposture. People who know are those who are used and abused by Bush's weapons of mass disinformation:
- look at the grieving 9/11 families opposing this misuse of their pain
- hear the Iraqi soccer players rebel at the Athens Olympics when they hear Bush is trying to take advantage of their successes (Bush eventually canceled his plans to go to Athens and tried to send his dove alibi Powell instead. A series of demonstrations made Powell cancel his trip too)
- listen to the Afghan leaders complain about the october 9 presidential elections (the calendar is totally irrealistic for the country, they know these elections are just another argument for Bush reelection campaign).

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "COMMANDER IN THIEF" (continued)

Archives 20040817

(discussion following the previous blogule: some newsflash for Bush, part of the planning and training for 9/11 was performed in Germany)

Here's another newsflash, Dubya: there may be oil in Iraq, but there may be nukes in North Korea and the former soviet states. Too bad your Texas buddies don't give a Hoover Dam about other energy sources...

SM on a forum

White Blogule for Fahrenheit 9/11 - THE NEW MOORE'S LAW

Archives 20040716 (see blogules 2004) - PUBLISHED IN "NEWSWEEK" (20041018)

The new Moore's Law ? Double the intensity of the attacks at each new movie ! Indeed, this Sumo-size Robin Hood can irritate with his biases and narrative gimmicks, and "Fahrenheit 9/11" may not be the most brilliant documentary on the Bush administration's flaws, but the President can feel the heat much better since it targets his core audience, not the liberal edges of the East and West Coasts, and because it uses the same weapons : striking images, basic words.



Red Blogule to the Weapons of Mass Disinformation

Archives 20031030 (see blogules 2003)

Congratulations to Mr Bush for majoring a Masters in Bullshit Administration. Even with fewer support from his "Weapons of Mass Disinformation", he's competing with Comical Ali for the credibility of his daily reports of the situation in Iraq. Isn't it high time for humility instead of more humiliation ? Isn't it high time to respect both the Iraqi and the American people, not to mention the rest of the World ?

Talking of WMDs : I'm pleased to see Newsweek back on the right (or should I say "Independant" ?) track : following their brilliant coverage of the "right-after-9/11" period, I noticed some kind of a short blackout earlier this year.

SM on a forum
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