Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label energy. Show all posts


Define: power

Power is about perception. You can feel it when it is at work, but it is much more difficult to tell who has it at other times. You can feel your hair rise when you pass by a small and obsolete power plant because much of the energy is wasted and that's OK because not much is at stake. But while fishing on a quiet lake, you cannot feel the huge potential of the dam you cannot see.

Don't see people as they want you to see them. See them as they truly are, beyond the power the may exert on their environment, including you. And see yourself as you truly are. We all have power within, not all the same, and not the same capacity to control it.

(answer to the question "WHAT IS THIS THING WE CALL POWER? Does it come from OTHERS or does it come from WITHIN US, as a state of mind?")


White Blogule to the UT Watch - UTIMCO - The Texas chain not only saw but also did the massacre

Archives 20040817 (see blogules 2004)

Praise UT Watch for keeping an eye on UTIMCO* and maybe leading to a few changes.
How about the portfolio ? Enron, Carlyle, KKR... you name it ! Note that Vinso & Elkins didn't blink as UTIMCO lost about $1 bn on Enron in a year : they were working eyes wide shut for that company as well.

Hicks wouldn't have blinked either : he overpaid Dubya for the Rangers years ago, and now funds the Bass family who overpaid Dubya for Harken Oil. There is always someone to pay for their smart moves : here the state university, elsewhere the taxpayers or the boys in the quicksands ot Iraq.

Take some time and see the Texas connection at work through the maze of cross-fundings. Pick up any name you come across and pull the thread.

SM on a forum

* "The University of Texas Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) was formed in March of 1996 by the special efforts of Tom Hicks and Vinson and Elkins. It is contracted by the UT Board of Regents to manage and invest the University's funds."

Red Blogule to Power Outrages

Archives 20040816 (see blogules 2004)

(enough talking about his daughter's coming out - let's discuss about Cheney's military service records)
His military service : yet to be filled
His services to the military lobbies: filled her up and keeps on emptying the tanks

(discussion about fear keeping Bush in power)
The guy is addicted to power but has a knack for ending running on empty after overusing it. In the past, there was always someone to inject him some more fuel (ie his Harken Oil failure). The same guys keep on financing his campaign. When his toys went bankrupt, it didn't matter but now the Federal Budget and the lives of many are at stakes. It's time for a wake up call across America: this man is dangerous and should be kept away from power.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "COMMANDER IN THIEF" (continued)

Archives 20040817

(discussion following the previous blogule: some newsflash for Bush, part of the planning and training for 9/11 was performed in Germany)

Here's another newsflash, Dubya: there may be oil in Iraq, but there may be nukes in North Korea and the former soviet states. Too bad your Texas buddies don't give a Hoover Dam about other energy sources...

SM on a forum


Red Blogule to Iraqi Inc

20040501 (see blogules 2004)

Rummy is delighted to notice a boom in consumer goods in Iraq. But the fact home appliances and cars are being bought doesn't necessarily mean the Iraqi people are enjoying them.

The truth is there is almost no electricity in the country, even in Baghdad (4 hours per day tops for the luckiest - what is the use of a fridge ?), and while thousands of gallons are being exported every day, people have to stay in line for hours to get some gas at a station. There is a surge in consumption for the people who actually can make money: thieves or corrupted officials. In the meanwhile, the US are protecting as much as they can the exports, making a priority the financing of the war and of SIGHs (Special Interest Groups, Halliburton & Co).

There is no reason why the US should recover the cost of their invasion before the Iraqi people recover their survival means. The priority should be given to the Iraqi people, and the bulk of the exports should first finance their administrations (education, security, first help) and companies. The handover to the Iraqi people is also a matter of wealth.

SM on a forum
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