(answer to the question "What´s your favourite business publication?")
The Economist. They won't tell you everything, but they have a unique way of telling things. You are not compelled to agree with everything but it's never boring. The European / UK origin shows but they cover all areas rather fairly. I remember warning many colleagues about the internet bubble years ago, to no avail. To me that bubble burst around February 1998, when a dramatic @@@@@@@@rgh scream splashed The Economist's cover. I passed that article around and it instantly calmed quite a few gamblers down.
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
My favorite weather information source
(answer to the question "What is your favorite weather information source, and why?")
The President of the United States. When he's wearing a flight jacket, I know it's gonna rain bombs. When he's wearing a tux, I know it's gonna rain blunders.
(answer to the question "What is your favorite weather information source, and why?")
The President of the United States. When he's wearing a flight jacket, I know it's gonna rain bombs. When he's wearing a tux, I know it's gonna rain blunders.
On the transparency of news reports
(answer to the question "How transparent media Mass in reporting News?")
1) You can have a few hints after checking who owns the said mass media.
2) Anyway, you must understand that there is no such thing as objectivity - reporting news is necessarily subjective. Certain words are written, certain images caught, news are composed, selected, sorted, edited and formated - keyboards, cameras and the humans who operate them are not Godalmighties, even when they have the best intentions.
3) subjectivity is not necessarily bad - the only thing is you must realize it and understand the limits before enjoying the show.
4) You can be both subjective and transparent. The BBC and al Jazeera have different standards but both tend to present the points of views of different sides.
(answer to the question "How transparent media Mass in reporting News?")
1) You can have a few hints after checking who owns the said mass media.
2) Anyway, you must understand that there is no such thing as objectivity - reporting news is necessarily subjective. Certain words are written, certain images caught, news are composed, selected, sorted, edited and formated - keyboards, cameras and the humans who operate them are not Godalmighties, even when they have the best intentions.
3) subjectivity is not necessarily bad - the only thing is you must realize it and understand the limits before enjoying the show.
4) You can be both subjective and transparent. The BBC and al Jazeera have different standards but both tend to present the points of views of different sides.
al Jazeera,
What is unique in blogging ?
(answer to the question "what is unique in blogging ?")
I use the term "blogule" for my small blogs. Red or white depending on my mood, not very important by themselves but somehow vital to me. As an author, blogging is part of what I call my "junk writing". And I enjoy it because as ugly as it seems, it can taste good and fulfil you. I need to zap from actual writing to junk writing to keep my balance. Because at the same time, blogging is like gymnastics to me. It's a quick fix when I need to stretch or let my mind wander on any topic I want.
You don't have to bother about the structure, nor the big picture. I've been blogging for 4 years but at the beginning, I didn't want to use a genuine blogging platform - that was frustrating and stupid considering the ease of use / instantaneity of blogs.
(answer to the question "what is unique in blogging ?")
I use the term "blogule" for my small blogs. Red or white depending on my mood, not very important by themselves but somehow vital to me. As an author, blogging is part of what I call my "junk writing". And I enjoy it because as ugly as it seems, it can taste good and fulfil you. I need to zap from actual writing to junk writing to keep my balance. Because at the same time, blogging is like gymnastics to me. It's a quick fix when I need to stretch or let my mind wander on any topic I want.
You don't have to bother about the structure, nor the big picture. I've been blogging for 4 years but at the beginning, I didn't want to use a genuine blogging platform - that was frustrating and stupid considering the ease of use / instantaneity of blogs.
On the success of reality shows
(answer to the question "Why do you believe Reality Shows have grown in numbers regarding various subjects, along with the television viewers ?")
It is basically the same trend as on the internet : reality shows have this consumer generated content flavor and give the illusion something is really happening on the screen, something you could be involved in, something you could even be doing yourself. The illusion that at last TV is somehow about me, somehow as interactive as the internet.
The internet positioned TV as a monolithic media for the masses, TV answered with real life real time individuals. People get hooked to it for fear of missing an event, something happening, some naughty movement in front of these fake webcams. Of course everything is set, staged, programmed, scenarized, but it doesn't feel like broadcasting (or better : I'd dare say "downcasting") anymore. Rather like bottomupcasting / grassrootcasting. And it tastes like s..t.
(answer to the question "Why do you believe Reality Shows have grown in numbers regarding various subjects, along with the television viewers ?")
It is basically the same trend as on the internet : reality shows have this consumer generated content flavor and give the illusion something is really happening on the screen, something you could be involved in, something you could even be doing yourself. The illusion that at last TV is somehow about me, somehow as interactive as the internet.
The internet positioned TV as a monolithic media for the masses, TV answered with real life real time individuals. People get hooked to it for fear of missing an event, something happening, some naughty movement in front of these fake webcams. Of course everything is set, staged, programmed, scenarized, but it doesn't feel like broadcasting (or better : I'd dare say "downcasting") anymore. Rather like bottomupcasting / grassrootcasting. And it tastes like s..t.
Define: intelligence vs information
=> Intelligence is the capacity to apprehend (ie your environment, other people, situations...), understand and give sense beyond what you see, feel, touch, smell, or hear.
Many people consider the ability to memorize a lot of information as a sign of intelligence - the most clever people I know make complex things look simple - simplicity is not always stupidity but often the key to intelligibility, apprehensibility.
My job used to be providing intelligence for decision makers and convincing them to see beyond the information they asked for. I would industrialize information as much as I could, always keeping in mind the necessity to often change the formats and adapt to a disruptive environment. Managers who stick to a few indicators tend to miss major changes in the market. Pedagogy was also useful to promote human networking within the organization. Intelligence was considered as information gathering in an hostile environment, strategic intelligence became a way of peacefully moving a few steps ahead of competition.
The public is so much overwhelmed by information it cannot see intelligence when it comes across it. Internet is a kingdom of information / disinformation where the public can easily be fooled. There is a realization of that and the emergence of a need for genuine intelligence. Unfortunately, prevails the one who advertizes the best, not necessarily the most relevant.
(answer to the question "intelligence vs information")
- NB : intelligence is not something absolute. you can be very intelligent in certain situations and dumb in others. There is no such thing as one kind of intelligence and IQ is an heresy : you cannot sum it up in one dimension.
- NB : the format of the information is very important. Information can be perceived differently by the emitter, the receiver or a third party, it can be altered during the transfer and edited anytime. For instance, this chair is blue but the color blind person will get another information, I say something, you hear something else.
Many people consider the ability to memorize a lot of information as a sign of intelligence - the most clever people I know make complex things look simple - simplicity is not always stupidity but often the key to intelligibility, apprehensibility.
My job used to be providing intelligence for decision makers and convincing them to see beyond the information they asked for. I would industrialize information as much as I could, always keeping in mind the necessity to often change the formats and adapt to a disruptive environment. Managers who stick to a few indicators tend to miss major changes in the market. Pedagogy was also useful to promote human networking within the organization. Intelligence was considered as information gathering in an hostile environment, strategic intelligence became a way of peacefully moving a few steps ahead of competition.
The public is so much overwhelmed by information it cannot see intelligence when it comes across it. Internet is a kingdom of information / disinformation where the public can easily be fooled. There is a realization of that and the emergence of a need for genuine intelligence. Unfortunately, prevails the one who advertizes the best, not necessarily the most relevant.
(answer to the question "intelligence vs information")
Define: WOM, Buzz, Viral
. WOM is the descriptive term for one specific medium.
. Buzz focuses on the impact on the environment and generally certain groups of people.
. Viral is more about time, reach and depth, how things spread.
(answer to a question for a thesis on Viral Marketing for Souki.com - differences between WOM, buzz and viral ?)
. Buzz focuses on the impact on the environment and generally certain groups of people.
. Viral is more about time, reach and depth, how things spread.
(answer to a question for a thesis on Viral Marketing for Souki.com - differences between WOM, buzz and viral ?)
Red Blogule to subliminal ads - Subliminal ads watch
Is anyone making sure there is no remake as far as subliminal ads are concerned ? Four years ago BC would insert a "RATS" for the fraction of a second during a negative campaign on Gore, and he had to withdraw the ad before the scandal went too far. A 2003 experiment proved once more the efficiency of subliminal images to influence elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it one more shot.
For those who wonder how a bold liar could be reelected, don't forget these guys got their masters in Weapons of Mass Disinformation.
SM on a forum
Is anyone making sure there is no remake as far as subliminal ads are concerned ? Four years ago BC would insert a "RATS" for the fraction of a second during a negative campaign on Gore, and he had to withdraw the ad before the scandal went too far. A 2003 experiment proved once more the efficiency of subliminal images to influence elections and I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it one more shot.
For those who wonder how a bold liar could be reelected, don't forget these guys got their masters in Weapons of Mass Disinformation.
SM on a forum
2004 blogules - English,
Al Gore,
George W. Bush,
US elections
Red Blogule to Bush - Stealing words
Archives 20040829 (see blogules 2004)
"Building a safer world and a more hopeful America" will be GWB's wrap up address to the Republican Convention.
Once again using the opposite side's words to make them his own, with just more media power. You may even hear an inspiring Dubya in a few days. The same kind of moving address he gave at his inauguration four years ago. The same smoke screen to cover his hidden agenda up.
Enough of this. Expose him. Do not let America be betrayed once again.
SM on a forum
"Building a safer world and a more hopeful America" will be GWB's wrap up address to the Republican Convention.
Once again using the opposite side's words to make them his own, with just more media power. You may even hear an inspiring Dubya in a few days. The same kind of moving address he gave at his inauguration four years ago. The same smoke screen to cover his hidden agenda up.
Enough of this. Expose him. Do not let America be betrayed once again.
SM on a forum
2004 blogules - English,
George W. Bush,
US elections
Red Blogule to The Bush Klan at work
Archives 20040817 (see blogules 2004)
Thank Bob Herbert for this very useful piece of journalism in the New York Times ("Suppress The Black Vote ?").
A few insights :
. "State police officers have gone into the homes of elderly black voters in Orlando and interrogated them as part of an odd "investigation" that has frightened many voters, intimidated elderly volunteers and thrown a chill over efforts to get out the black vote in November."
. "The officers, from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which reports to Gov. Jeb Bush, say they are investigating allegations of voter fraud that came up during the Orlando mayoral election in March."
. "Not surprisingly, many of the elderly black voters who found themselves face to face with state police officers in Orlando are members of the Orlando League of Voters, which has been very successful in mobilizing the city's black vote".
Governor Bush seems to have the same approach of democracy as his brother. It's not about family anymore: this is an actual Klan...
SM on a forum
Thank Bob Herbert for this very useful piece of journalism in the New York Times ("Suppress The Black Vote ?").
A few insights :
. "State police officers have gone into the homes of elderly black voters in Orlando and interrogated them as part of an odd "investigation" that has frightened many voters, intimidated elderly volunteers and thrown a chill over efforts to get out the black vote in November."
. "The officers, from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which reports to Gov. Jeb Bush, say they are investigating allegations of voter fraud that came up during the Orlando mayoral election in March."
. "Not surprisingly, many of the elderly black voters who found themselves face to face with state police officers in Orlando are members of the Orlando League of Voters, which has been very successful in mobilizing the city's black vote".
Governor Bush seems to have the same approach of democracy as his brother. It's not about family anymore: this is an actual Klan...
SM on a forum
2004 blogules - English,
Bob Herbert,
Jeb Bush,
US elections
White Blogule for Fahrenheit 9/11 - THE NEW MOORE'S LAW
Archives 20040716 (see blogules 2004) - PUBLISHED IN "NEWSWEEK" (20041018)
The new Moore's Law ? Double the intensity of the attacks at each new movie ! Indeed, this Sumo-size Robin Hood can irritate with his biases and narrative gimmicks, and "Fahrenheit 9/11" may not be the most brilliant documentary on the Bush administration's flaws, but the President can feel the heat much better since it targets his core audience, not the liberal edges of the East and West Coasts, and because it uses the same weapons : striking images, basic words.
The new Moore's Law ? Double the intensity of the attacks at each new movie ! Indeed, this Sumo-size Robin Hood can irritate with his biases and narrative gimmicks, and "Fahrenheit 9/11" may not be the most brilliant documentary on the Bush administration's flaws, but the President can feel the heat much better since it targets his core audience, not the liberal edges of the East and West Coasts, and because it uses the same weapons : striking images, basic words.
2004 blogules - English,
George W. Bush,
Michael Moore,
US elections
Red Blogule to the bombing of Fallujah - Bombing, for image's sake - Bush is only targeting the US audience
20040429 (see blogules 2004)
Bush doesn't want the US audience to watch actual images of actual bodies covering the actual ground (especially those of American citizens - he never took into consideration the thousands of dead Irakis).
So CNN can move back to their video war : infrared features, no close-ups, just the sound of air strikes from a far distance, animations of up-to-date aircrafts exposing their Weapons of Mass Distraction, and the "Live" label in one corner of the screen to have people stay tuned around the clock to this excuse for a war.
Once again, covering up the mess. You may be embedded in our squads but please do not wake our citizens up. Get them the Valium we're prescribing but do not mention the side effects (or is it collateral damage ?). No pictures of coffins, thanks.
Of course this doesn't help the US forces in Iraq : they look even more remote from the population. Cut out from the country but deep into it at the same time. Hostages in a stubborn, dangerous man's reelection show.
Smile to the camera, son. Who knows, you may be in BC04's next ad.
SM on a forum
Bush doesn't want the US audience to watch actual images of actual bodies covering the actual ground (especially those of American citizens - he never took into consideration the thousands of dead Irakis).
So CNN can move back to their video war : infrared features, no close-ups, just the sound of air strikes from a far distance, animations of up-to-date aircrafts exposing their Weapons of Mass Distraction, and the "Live" label in one corner of the screen to have people stay tuned around the clock to this excuse for a war.
Once again, covering up the mess. You may be embedded in our squads but please do not wake our citizens up. Get them the Valium we're prescribing but do not mention the side effects (or is it collateral damage ?). No pictures of coffins, thanks.
Of course this doesn't help the US forces in Iraq : they look even more remote from the population. Cut out from the country but deep into it at the same time. Hostages in a stubborn, dangerous man's reelection show.
Smile to the camera, son. Who knows, you may be in BC04's next ad.
SM on a forum
2004 blogules - English,
George W. Bush,
US elections,
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