Showing posts with label Dems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dems. Show all posts


On Ron Paul for President

(answer to the question "How do you feel about Ron Paul as president?")

Reps would be as likely to nominate Ru Paul (if I dare say, a "hole in one" as far as minorities are concerned). I don't think Republicans can select this free thinker, in many ways more Democrat than a few donkeys running for '08. Ron Paul looks like a good man and I give him good credits for Iraq and the Patriot Act, but not so good for economics, abortion, and certain principles. Being 72 doesn't always mean being always wise.


Red Blogule to the Bush system - Prevent a New War of Secession

Archives 20041101

The Republican Party is bound to lose : they either lose this election or lose their very soul. A Bush reelection would mean the success of the raid of a group of extremists on the GOP. To those who wonder how such a mob of liars, crooks, religious fanatics and extreme right madhatters could ever be reelected, remind them a man like Hugo Chavez managed to get democratically reelected earlier this year.

What would mean a Bush reelection but the risk of a political war of secession across the US ? Moderate Reps and Dems could unite in the Resistance. Whole states could refuse more extremist laws or worse fully comply to them. History proves any people can regress into fascism and never since McCarthy-Hoover has this country been so dangerously close to it - we're not talking neibourhood watch militia : remember Patriot Act I encourages denouncement and Patriot Act II would legalize the deportation of US citizens. Can America afford four more years of Kind Dubya, Lord of the Banana Republic of the Divided States of America ? Beyond the man, there is a system of negation of what made this country a great country respected across the globe. What would History think of a people who decides to keep them in power ?

This can be prevented : America must wake up on time and elect a President who respects the values of this country. Vote Kerry.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the Republicans for Kerry-Edwards

Archives 20041026

To me this election mirrors the fight on terror.

Regarding the latter, Bush doesn't understand (or pretends not to understand) this is not a religious war between America and the terrorists but a war from radical islamists to moderate muslims. The US have been drafted in order to magnify it but I don't think Bin Laden, even in his wildest dreams, ever hoped America would react as stupidly as this Administration did: instead of fighting extremism and terror they fueled it by launching a religious crusade - the way a medieval leader would have proceeded, not a responsible XXIst century leader.

Regarding this election, the key battle is not about Reps vs Dems: we are witnessing an attempted coup of extremists on the GOP, against moderate Republicans. Should Bush win November the 2nd, there may well be a much deeper crisis within the Republican party than within the Dems, who would unite even stronger as Resistants. Because the Republican Party would lose - if not this election, more fundamentally its very soul.

Kerry proved he has the ability to work hand in hand with Republicans because he is the one candidate to respect the values that built America, and most Republicans share this vision.

You are a Republican and you want to vote for Kerry but you are wondering if it is consistent ? It is, since President Bush is not a Republican. He doesn't respect the Republic (the res publica is about accepting the debate, bringing the issues out there, not about hidden agendas, undiscussed laws, preventing even Republicans from knowing what's going on...) nor the values that earned this country respect from its citizens as well as from other countries. As a Republican, you have a moral duty to protect your country. And the biggest danger it is facing right now is not terror but about the direction it is about to take, about it's very leadership. You are making the right choice for a true Republican.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the preparation of the debates - Reality check

Archives 20040910 (see blogules 2004)

(discussion about "how would YOU attack Bush?")

I would attack Bush on what are supposed to be his strongest points :

. He is amoral and would do anything to win
.His decision making is catastrophic
.He is not compassionate but makes show of his fake compassion
.He is not clean. He may have recovered from booze and dope but is still badly addicted to power
.He is not even Republican. Not a Dem either. The guy just wishes he were a dictator
.He is not for this space and time. You could find fundamentalist rulers back in the Middle Age, but Bush is the worst man at the worst place at the worst time
.He is not a strong leader. His weakness shows on how he behaves, how he speaks. Body language doesn't lie. Deep inside, he knows he is a fake.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the Young Republicans - Young Republicans Denounce Bush

20040824 (see blogules 2004)

Once again, in George Bush's Divided States of America, the great divide is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between the people who respect democracy and the republic on one side, and this very Bush Administration on the other one.

The wake up call from the young generation of Republicans exposed in this article is great news for the Republican Party, but also American politics in general. The John-John ticket should rejoice as well:
"Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004 - Earlier this month, a group of students met in Washington to bash George W. Bush, debate the power of multinational corporations and hear a speaker who denounced the Iraq war, the Patriot Act and stricter airport security. A leader of these college kids calls them "the new counterculture", but here's the thing: they aren't liberals. The 185 students were in Washington to attend the 26th annual National Conservative Student Conference."

From "The Right's New Wing", an article by John Cloud in Time Magazine.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to Kerry-Edwards' positive campaign

Archives 20040715-19

(discussion on the pros and cons of positive campaigning)

20040715 - I fully agree : let Michael Moore do the dirty job and match Dubya's Weapons of Mass Disinformation (in your face images, basic words, tears). John² will then stand at their usual and positive level, leagues over the neo-con junk talk.

20040719 - Playing "good cop - bad cop" with the likes of Moore or is actually a kind of risky game and will succeed only if overall both manage to expose BC00-04's true nature to the American people.

This means a true debate which the Reps might want to skip, just like they did for every other aspect of democracy. Bring it on folks.

SM on a forum


Red Blogule to Bush's Hidden Agenda - The Dark Ages Of BC00

20040428 (see blogules 2004)

America can avoid collapsing deeper into the dark ages of BC04. Let's remind the public what BC00 was supposed to be all about, let's cite some quotes from Dubya's lovely coronation speech, let's talk "hidden agenda".

How can you trust someone who hides what he is doing, even to his fellow Republicans (Congress) ? Maybe Bush is not a Republican. Republic is about "res publica" - the public thing, debating in public...

The beauty of it is Bush is an adversary to his own camp and you should leverage on it. Many Republicans do not feel comfortable with the way he behaves and this vote is about restoring the democratical debate, ways beyond the usual donkey vs dumbo battle. Bringing America back on tracks. United we stand, but not against each other.

From History's point of view, Bush may become to the Republican Party what Hoover was to the FBI : the man who turned his house into a powerhouse but cast some shame on it as well, exposing the worst of it.

From France with hope.

SM on a forum
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