Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts


On DC and Marvel

(answer to the question are you "DC or Marvel?")

Marvel, definitely. At least at the turn of the 70s-80s, when I would read them. I can hardly tell the difference between a Superman from the 30s and a clone from the 80s. When I re-read the Marvel comics from the 60s to the early 80s, I see the cultural changes in the US society.

DC heroes were never-doubting, monolithic superheroes and supervilains meant for a good vs evil era. Each of Stan Lee's characters had more subtle weaknesses than an aversion for green meteorites. Good old Big Apple replaced Gotham and Metropolis, and the younger generation could eventually read about poverty, drugs, racism, sects, religious fundamentalism, social and political unrests...

But Marvel pushed too far the marketing, launched too many products, and turned into some kind of a boring sitcom factory during the eighties (except a few masterpieces by Chris Claremont, Frank Miller...).

DC top execs eventually did the right thing : they fired Superman and hired Marvel's Frank Miller to get at last something exciting out of Batman.

Precisions added :
- Beyond DC/Marvel, the ultimate masterpiece came from the UK (Alan Moore's "Watchmen").
- Come to think of it : DC could make something out of Batman because he was the most human character (no superpowers). And I liked the mention of MLB : I'm both Marvel and NL, the Yanks do have something of a DC league of superheroes, and I feel closer to more human losers (Peter Parker, Paul Auster, the Mets).

Saving the US automobile industry

(answer to the question "What can be done to save the U.S. Automobile Industry?")

Stop thinking as the US Automobile Industry.

Start thinking as mobility service providers in a new, open, competitive but respectful and responsible environment.

On Europe, the Old World

(answer to the question "Europe: how do you see the Old World?")

I see Europe as a chance because of the richness of its cultural diversity and the size and soundness of its common ground. I see Europe at the crossroads of reinvention and disruption.

I see China embracing its own diversity to design a more agile, pervasive and adaptative variety of imperialism.

I see America on the verge of negating diversity and evolutivity - more conservative and monolithic, more inwards than outwards. A Bushite Amerika and a neo-Showa Japan would be the Old World of tomorrow.


Red Blogule to this "pro-life" President - Stem cells : who's the murderer ?

Archives 20041023

Somebody tell me why this "pro-life" President, so much eager to protect life in the form of embryos, is the biggest supporter of death penalty and holds the record for executions in the US.

Somebody tell me why this man, who says every tiny cell counts, doesn't show any remorse when soldiers die because of his failures or kids are slaughtered during his massive bombings to smoke Zarkawi out before November the 2nd.

Somebody tell me why this imposteur, who dares say he defends the values that built America, should even have the slightest chance of fooling the electors once more.

Wake up America !

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the first US Prez debate - Masks off

Archives 20041004

Thursday's debate revealed both candidates as they truly are : an honest man guided by a strong personal ambition but also the values that built America, and a man less and less able to hide his own limits and contradictions.

The thing is the one who doubts is not the one you may think : while Kerry decides after a long decision process but never compromises on values, Bush doubts more fundamentally about himself. His own lies don't fool him anymore and he knows his so called values are just one more set of lies.

For over one year now George W. Bush has been betrayed by his body language : the more the man insists on his confidence, the more his body screams the opposite. Last thursday, this lonely man looked like the tragic buffon success has abandoned. Beyond the loss of the debate (how could a man who refuses the very idea of debate win ?), Bush seems lost for good.

Can his staff manage a spectacular turnaround before next debate - any other way than with more lies in more coward ads that is ? I can't even dare imagining how deep in the mud Karl Rove will have to dig this time...

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to eraserheads- HOW ABOUT CHALABI FILES ?

Archives 20040910

Remember the spectacular showdown at Chalabi's office, a few monthes ago ? Why do you think the US raided their former partner's place ?The guy was a notorious blackmailer and collected naughty secrets from everyone. He was said to keep track of all US abuses in Iraq, just in case...Now whatever happened to these files?

SM on a forum


Archives 20040902 (see blogules 2004)

Stop demagogy!

Dubya is using the same tricks as Chavez and could get the same results as his fellow dictator if the American audience doesn't get any wake up call. Soon.Time to remember how inspirational the man can be, but how delusive he actually is.

Time to say "It's democracy, stupid".

Some extracts from his inauguration speech (20010120) :

  • . "Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations."
    => A seed of torture upon a wind of shock and awe. What kind of freedom and democracy are you talking about?
  • . "America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness."
    => Some still do expect that from you. Along with apologies.
  • . "If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most".
    => You're gifted with precognition, man.
  • . "We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors".
    => And we will use weapons of mass disinformation, so that our voters are spared the horrors we provoque and even sometimes commit.
  • . "The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth."
    => Make no mistake : now all nations despise your arrogance and your betrayal of your own nation's values.
  • . "And I can pledge our nation to a goal : when we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side."
    => Yeah. You just drove the damn tank over him. And made sure the damns walls were fully destroyed.
  • . "America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected."
    => Thus, we'd value and are expecting your non reelection.
  • . "Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom."
    => Family bonds it is. Along with honored acts of indecency. The problem is the public interest depends on your very private character.
  • . "After the Declaration of Independance was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson : 'We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm ?' Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm."
    => What a quote ! You knew from the start the race was about swift boats and dignity. You just don't fit in, and the Karl Rove directing the storm is no angel. Learn more about duty and service in your public library (I don't think there will be many other books in your own prez library than your faves : "My Pet Goat", the Reverend Moon's autobiography, "An End To Evil" by Richard Pearle and David Frum... and of course The Stubborn Again Christian Handbook...).
Some extracts from Dubya's acceptance speech (20001213) :
  • . "Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements"
    => Are the US more divided now than 4 years ago ? Betcha !
  • . "I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver."
    => Like seizing Iraq and delivering goodies to old pals ?
  • . "Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens".
    => Courtesy might be your middle name, when you let Karl do the dirty job (I love the "Turd Blossom" you use as a nickname for your first counselor).
  • . "Together, we will work to make all our public schools excellent, teaching every student of every background and every accent, so that no child is left behind".
    => Taught 'em how to die in Iraq, didn't you ? Why didn't you include your own major (Dodger 101) in your costly tuition program?
  • . "Together we will save Social Security and renew its promise of a secure retirement for generations to come."
    => Social Security and secure retirement for all, no former Halliburton CEO should be left behind.
  • . "Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors"
    => Too bad daddy let you use all these non-prescription drugs when you were young...
  • . "Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve."
    => ... and a jumbo size deficit while you're at it.
  • . "Together we'll have a bipartisan foreign policy true to our values and true to our friends, and we will have a military equal to every challenge and superior to every adversary."
    => By "bipartisan", you meant Lookheed and Martin ? Halli and Burton ? Come on ! Gimme a break. But your military surpasses Saddam's, that's for sure. Even in torture.
  • . "This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration."
    => Compassionate conservatism indeed. Now you and your compadres can leave. Please.
  • . "These priorities are not merely Republican concerns or Democratic concerns; they are American responsibilities."
    => Now I get it. You read by mistake Al's acceptance speech.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the Electoral College system - Abolish

Archives 20040829 (see blogules 2004)

(discussion about the US system of indirect prez elections)

I'm not very found of the Electoral College system either, which is not fully democratic. But I consider the primaries an interesting crash test for a most-powerful-person-in-the-world wannabee (pure demagogists could be elected - Howard Dean is one thing, Hugo Chavez another kind).

Yet, direct vote is the best system for such a national election (especially since the US consider themselves a leading democracy), not this "nationocal" madness where Republican supporters back Nader and voting methods vary from one state or one county to another (ie the nepotic Banana Republic system in Florida). In this country, the knowledge is kept by a minority and the majority can easily be betrayed (ie the Y2K Floridian bug).

A reform is badly needed and local elections should be held independantly from the national ones. It should be a Federal issue where Governors have no right to cook according to their own receipe.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to US GO METRIC

Archives 20040715 (see blogules 2004)

(vital discussion about the need for America to switch to the metric system)

To me (a poor lad living under the metric system), contemplating stones, fahrenheit, inches, yards, feet, gallons or miles is like watching a cricket game: exotic terms (wickets), old fashioned clothes, strange scores, crazy rules... but everyone looks normal and even the audience seems to understand what's going on. I stay undercover, wishing hard no one ever notices me and sends me back to planet Zorg.

Each time I visit the US I bless you for using the same time system. At least I don't have to bring my clepsydre.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the Israel Factor in the US

Archives 20040711 (see blogules 2004)

(discussion on the impossibility of raising Israel-Palestine issues during the campaign)

Indeed, criticizing Israel is a no / no in the US. Listening to Clinton on CNN yesterday, I was once more disappointed by the mildness of his criticism. Off course he's still competing to become the US' "First Male First Lady" and cannot fully spill his beans. He cannot imagine any solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict outside of the Israel-Palestine-US triangle, even if only the UN could provide an independant and (west ?) bankable background.

The relationship between the US and Israel is not sane and has no equivalent in History. On one hand Israel seems a US protectorate, on the other hand Israel holds a firm grip on US politics and media. And it goes beyond the Rep-Dem barrier. The ties with Saudi Arabia are not very sane either but can easily be summed up in such units as currencies or gallons.

SM on a forum


Red Blogule to the Abu Ghraib mess - OUTLAWS AND DISORDER

Archives 20040428 (see blogules 2004)

The attack on Iraq ? Illegal.The Guantanamo extravaganza ? The negation of human rights.The pressures against the moderate international nations ? What you'd expect from mobsters.The constant, unrepentant and unpunited disinformation, cover-up and censorship in the media ? Back to the Hoover-Mc Carthy era folks....The outrages in the Iraqi prisons and the growing anger against America ? Nothing to wonder about given the example from above.


White Blogule to a wake up call

Archives 20040428 (discussion - see blogules 2004)

Actually, this is one of the most important elections ever for the US. To be compared to the Lincoln or FDR ones. Beyond the US, reelecting Bush would be a terrible message to the World.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the US plan to abandon the Iraqi flag

20040428 (see blogules 2004)

When it comes to making mistakes, they won't satisfy with a home run but go for the grand slam !When occupation forces change the flag, it does mean a lot. A flag is about the identity, culture and history of a nation.

Mass Destruction of anything that could restore unity in Iraq?

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the so called "war on terror" - Are you better off ?

Archives 20040419 (see blogules 2004)

"Are you better off now than back in 2000?" Any terrorist - even talibans - would answer "yes" without any shadow of a doubt. George W Bush is an insult to the values that built America. He isn't waging any war on terror but for it...

- "Decades of lies and intimidation could not make the Iraqi people love their oppressors or desire their own enslavement". George W Bush - 20030501

- "Four years of lies and intimidation could not make the US people love their President or desire their own humiliation". US Voters - 20041102


Red Blogule to Bush's Hidden Agenda - The Dark Ages Of BC00

20040428 (see blogules 2004)

America can avoid collapsing deeper into the dark ages of BC04. Let's remind the public what BC00 was supposed to be all about, let's cite some quotes from Dubya's lovely coronation speech, let's talk "hidden agenda".

How can you trust someone who hides what he is doing, even to his fellow Republicans (Congress) ? Maybe Bush is not a Republican. Republic is about "res publica" - the public thing, debating in public...

The beauty of it is Bush is an adversary to his own camp and you should leverage on it. Many Republicans do not feel comfortable with the way he behaves and this vote is about restoring the democratical debate, ways beyond the usual donkey vs dumbo battle. Bringing America back on tracks. United we stand, but not against each other.

From History's point of view, Bush may become to the Republican Party what Hoover was to the FBI : the man who turned his house into a powerhouse but cast some shame on it as well, exposing the worst of it.

From France with hope.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Amerika - Take a walk on the dark side

Archives 20030318 (see blogules 2003)

The person in the queue starts complaining - this custom's officer isn't a fast one. I dare say "I don't mind, you know ; as a French citizen I'm in favor of letting inspectors do their jobs". The said officer smiles, but that's the only positive wave I'll get in this place (not to mention a Wi-Fi perm at New Orleans CTIA Wireless 2003).

It's even worse than I thought - I knew US medias had turned into weapons of mass disinformation and I knew the country was already at war, but I didn't expect such pressure, oppression, denial of debate... What is this Administration doing to the people of America and the country I love ?

Anyway, nothing will stop Bush : Iraq will be invaded and thats the best news fundamentalists and terrorists could ever dream of.

Stephane MOT - New Orleans
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