Showing posts with label lobbying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lobbying. Show all posts


About think tanks

(answer to the question "What is the business model for a Think Tank?")

There is a room between dark conspiration theories and total transparency. Basically, a Think Tank is an Outsourced Lobbying Tool, a Non-Profit Outfit for big profit companies (kind of "His Master's Voice" without the Marconi logo).

Some are Hot Air Factories specifically designed to accelerate Global Warming. The funding system is similar to that of a lobby, the casting generally slightly different. You just have to offer a few big lunches to a few big names.

Some actual non-profit initiatives (people who prefer the think thing to the tank thing) prefer the Foundation business model for an easier financing (in : taxes - out : expenses of VIP members who would not join otherwise) and a clearer legal frame.


Red Blogule to "Lobby Dick"

Archives 20041013

(discussion with a former Halliburton worker in Iraq, complaining about the way the company behaves)

Taking the money and running, exposing innocents to the consequences of their failures, showing neither remorse nor respect for anyone... no wonder Halliburton picked Lobby Dick as their Prez a few years ago. No wonder the POTUS loves this guy.

Bush & Friends are not only looting Iraq : they're emptying the safes of the Nation. Bush is an expert in transferring public funds to private pockets (remember the Texas Rangers stadium ?).

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the Young Republicans - Young Republicans Denounce Bush

20040824 (see blogules 2004)

Once again, in George Bush's Divided States of America, the great divide is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between the people who respect democracy and the republic on one side, and this very Bush Administration on the other one.

The wake up call from the young generation of Republicans exposed in this article is great news for the Republican Party, but also American politics in general. The John-John ticket should rejoice as well:
"Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004 - Earlier this month, a group of students met in Washington to bash George W. Bush, debate the power of multinational corporations and hear a speaker who denounced the Iraq war, the Patriot Act and stricter airport security. A leader of these college kids calls them "the new counterculture", but here's the thing: they aren't liberals. The 185 students were in Washington to attend the 26th annual National Conservative Student Conference."

From "The Right's New Wing", an article by John Cloud in Time Magazine.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Ralph Nader - Independent days are over

Archives 20040822 (see blogules 2004)

Nader tipping balance ? The guy's accepting tips from Republican supported lobbies : CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy / Freedomworks) will help him get on the ballot in key states. Nader 2004 declined to answer when I asked their position regarding this support. Stop telling lies Ralphie: you are no more independent.

Just have a look at the CSE's website:
=> Their press releases : "Michigan CSE Turns Out Members for Nader Ballot Push"
=> The profiles of both CSE CEOs :
  • "Dick Armey - co-chairman of CSE - Former Majority Leader D.A. has had a very distinguished career as Congressman for the 26th District of Texas. He was active in passing legislation related to military base closure and realignments, agriculture subsidy reforms, free trade, education scolarships for disadvantaged children and Homeland Security. He has served as ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, as Chairman of the Republican Conference and as Majority Leader of the House where he had full responsibility for the legislative schedule. During his last year as a Member of Congress he served as Chairman of the Select Committee on Homeland Security.
  • "C. Boyden Gray - co-chairman of CSE - Gray is a partner at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering where he focuses on a range of regulatory matters including, environmental, biotechnology, trade, clean air, and risk management. Gray served as counsel to George Bush, during his terms as president and vice president. Gray also clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and earned his law degree from the University of North Carolina Law School.
=> Some quotes from CSE supporters in the "about us" section (I just picked up 3 names out of 5) :
  • "Folks, you've got to get to know this organization... They have been doing a great job all over the country educating people". President George W. Bush (NB : the expert in education known for slashing education budgets and taking some time to read My Pet Goat)
  • "CSE is one of the most effective grassroots lobbying organizations around - anywhere." Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (NB : yeah, that Kathy Harris who made sure Florida voters were betrayed)
  • "You guys are everywhere" - Florida Governor Jeb Bush (NB : brrrr, even at the Supreme Court ? - scary, uh?)
Shall we let Bush-Nader 2004 get the same results as Bush-Nader 2000 ? Let us expose Nader's contradictions.

SM on a forum

White Blogule to the UT Watch - UTIMCO - The Texas chain not only saw but also did the massacre

Archives 20040817 (see blogules 2004)

Praise UT Watch for keeping an eye on UTIMCO* and maybe leading to a few changes.
How about the portfolio ? Enron, Carlyle, KKR... you name it ! Note that Vinso & Elkins didn't blink as UTIMCO lost about $1 bn on Enron in a year : they were working eyes wide shut for that company as well.

Hicks wouldn't have blinked either : he overpaid Dubya for the Rangers years ago, and now funds the Bass family who overpaid Dubya for Harken Oil. There is always someone to pay for their smart moves : here the state university, elsewhere the taxpayers or the boys in the quicksands ot Iraq.

Take some time and see the Texas connection at work through the maze of cross-fundings. Pick up any name you come across and pull the thread.

SM on a forum

* "The University of Texas Investment Management Company (UTIMCO) was formed in March of 1996 by the special efforts of Tom Hicks and Vinson and Elkins. It is contracted by the UT Board of Regents to manage and invest the University's funds."

Red Blogule to Power Outrages

Archives 20040816 (see blogules 2004)

(enough talking about his daughter's coming out - let's discuss about Cheney's military service records)
His military service : yet to be filled
His services to the military lobbies: filled her up and keeps on emptying the tanks

(discussion about fear keeping Bush in power)
The guy is addicted to power but has a knack for ending running on empty after overusing it. In the past, there was always someone to inject him some more fuel (ie his Harken Oil failure). The same guys keep on financing his campaign. When his toys went bankrupt, it didn't matter but now the Federal Budget and the lives of many are at stakes. It's time for a wake up call across America: this man is dangerous and should be kept away from power.

SM on a forum


White Blogule to Spain - at last we'll know where Aznar will land

Archives 20040316 (see blogules 2004)

Last year I bet it would be Carlyle or some other fund for the retired soldiers of USA Inc (Baker, Major & co). Now I'm not so sure considering the spectacular way he's been fired. Let him do some conferencing in the Americas for a while, as a start.

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