Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts


Red Blogule to fundamenstalists - History will remember this surge in fundamentalism

Archives 20040428 (see blogules 2004)

What irritates me most about Iraq is not the fact everything was foreseeable (except the US public opinion harrassed by Weapons of Mass Disinformation, no one was actually deceived). It is the fact a great part of strategical mistakes were not mistakes but actual clear-headed-cold-blodded choices.

History will remember this troubled era when fundamentalists held the power and/or the media simultaneously in the Middle-East, in Israel and in the US, feeding each other with their radical ideologies. It is high time to remove the leaders that can be removed and it is high time for each religion to speak aloud and expose their values of tolerance and respect. Democracy gives opportunities to both the US and Israel, Christianism has one leader who can - at times - speak for his church, but there is no equivalent for Islam. Saudi Arabia could play a positive role... once they kick the wahabbits, that is.

Let us remember the worst enemies of al Qaeda are not the US (right now Bush is actually their best ally), but moderate muslims whose only weapon is speech and most of the time don't have any license to carry such a dangerous weapon.


Red Blogule to the so called "war on terror" - Are you better off ?

Archives 20040419 (see blogules 2004)

"Are you better off now than back in 2000?" Any terrorist - even talibans - would answer "yes" without any shadow of a doubt. George W Bush is an insult to the values that built America. He isn't waging any war on terror but for it...

- "Decades of lies and intimidation could not make the Iraqi people love their oppressors or desire their own enslavement". George W Bush - 20030501

- "Four years of lies and intimidation could not make the US people love their President or desire their own humiliation". US Voters - 20041102


Red Blogule to Bush's Hidden Agenda - The Dark Ages Of BC00

20040428 (see blogules 2004)

America can avoid collapsing deeper into the dark ages of BC04. Let's remind the public what BC00 was supposed to be all about, let's cite some quotes from Dubya's lovely coronation speech, let's talk "hidden agenda".

How can you trust someone who hides what he is doing, even to his fellow Republicans (Congress) ? Maybe Bush is not a Republican. Republic is about "res publica" - the public thing, debating in public...

The beauty of it is Bush is an adversary to his own camp and you should leverage on it. Many Republicans do not feel comfortable with the way he behaves and this vote is about restoring the democratical debate, ways beyond the usual donkey vs dumbo battle. Bringing America back on tracks. United we stand, but not against each other.

From History's point of view, Bush may become to the Republican Party what Hoover was to the FBI : the man who turned his house into a powerhouse but cast some shame on it as well, exposing the worst of it.

From France with hope.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "SUnoVa Car"

Archives 20031224 (see blogules 2003)

Analyse this : a huge SUV with an aggressive front bumper and this caption "Less soccer mom. More who's your daddy". The ultimate ad of the BC00 era.

Boys with toys...

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to "Halliburton and the 40 thieves"

Archives 20031114 (see blogules 2003)

If you're complaining about Bush heading the States, just consider it may be worse :

Cheney President ???

BC04 (the Bush Cheney 2004 ticket) raised fortunes for their campain, yet Dubya may be forced to sideline Dick in favor of a less controversial profile... even if Mr Halliburton and the 40 thieves is bound to stay around the President history will remember as the one who accelerated the decline of the American empire (Shanghai will be XXIst century's NYC).

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the Weapons of Mass Disinformation

Archives 20031030 (see blogules 2003)

Congratulations to Mr Bush for majoring a Masters in Bullshit Administration. Even with fewer support from his "Weapons of Mass Disinformation", he's competing with Comical Ali for the credibility of his daily reports of the situation in Iraq. Isn't it high time for humility instead of more humiliation ? Isn't it high time to respect both the Iraqi and the American people, not to mention the rest of the World ?

Talking of WMDs : I'm pleased to see Newsweek back on the right (or should I say "Independant" ?) track : following their brilliant coverage of the "right-after-9/11" period, I noticed some kind of a short blackout earlier this year.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Amerika - Take a walk on the dark side

Archives 20030318 (see blogules 2003)

The person in the queue starts complaining - this custom's officer isn't a fast one. I dare say "I don't mind, you know ; as a French citizen I'm in favor of letting inspectors do their jobs". The said officer smiles, but that's the only positive wave I'll get in this place (not to mention a Wi-Fi perm at New Orleans CTIA Wireless 2003).

It's even worse than I thought - I knew US medias had turned into weapons of mass disinformation and I knew the country was already at war, but I didn't expect such pressure, oppression, denial of debate... What is this Administration doing to the people of America and the country I love ?

Anyway, nothing will stop Bush : Iraq will be invaded and thats the best news fundamentalists and terrorists could ever dream of.

Stephane MOT - New Orleans
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