Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts


White Blogule to Kerry's biting back - Wake up call

Archives 20040904

Now this is closer to the wake up call I've been expecting for America !

Wake up, wake up, wake up, everybody!!!

Wake up and look back at what this self-proclaimed "compassionate leader" (doesn't it sound north korean to you?) did of your country at home and abroad!

Wake up and respect the world you live in - only then could you be proud again!

Wake up and unite to restore the values your country was built on!

Let's expose the true Bush and the true Kerry to the public. Man to man. No man to mean old Karl.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to BUSH'S ADDICTION TO POWER (continued)

Archives 20040905 (see blogules 2004)

(discussion following previous blogule - you should read "Bush On The Couch" by Justin A. Frank)

Thanks for the tip. I'm not into psychology but I'm quite interested by the genesis of this psychopath.

Maybe our King Dubya, Lord of The Banana Republic of The Divided States of America, has something to do with Oedipus Rex... poor Barbie ! (as far as Herb is concerned, I don't think he has to fear from his son: W doesn't want to kill him - he's too s..t scared for that).

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to BUSH'S ADDICTION TO POWER (continued)

Archives 20040904

(discussion following previous blogule - Bush loves his role but is a puppet)

Definietely. Bush insistes heavily on his decision making capabilities because he knows he's always been a puppet to these lads, always been surrounded by powerful people and expecting their recognition*.

His lapses / bushisms about wishing to be a dictator or not feeling accountable to anyone prove he's craving for more because he is not fully exercing power.

Yet, power abuse is getting him high at different stages : when he announces the decision to the public, and when he feels the envy / respect / expectation from other people's look. It is a matter of make-believe. But deep inside, he's still the same unsure self. It shows on the TV. Body language doesn't lie.

This is why Dubya constantly needs to be told you good boy did the right thing, you look great, especially in this pilot suit, you're the hell of a golf player (I did watch your drive buddy... awesome!)...

* first of all from his father, but he's always failing in his quest to match his record at Yale, as a pilot, as a sportsman, as a oil businessman and eventually as a politician (I hope this other Walker won't reach second base either). He's more likely to stand next to his granddad in history books (infamous Nazi ties).

SM on a forum


Archives 20040904 (see blogules 2004)

The guy may have recovered from a double addiction to alcohol and drugs, he is still deeply hooked to power. Hear him talk about presidency (on the TV, at the RNC...), and see how high he is on it.

Now watch this drive, from a Newsweek interview (20040906) : "The Oval Office is a powerful place. It's the kind of place where people stand outside, 'I'm going to come in and tell him what for', and they walk in and get overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and say, 'Man, you're looking beautiful, Mr President' ?(Laughter). And, therefore, you'd better have people that walk in and say, You're right and wrong, and I do."

This man is definitely wrong. The wrong man at the wrong time at the wrong place.

His body language betrays him : the guy is very weak. A wannabe who should never have been, who enjoys every single bit of it who'd do whatever it takes to get his daily fix.

SM on a forum


Archives 20040902 (see blogules 2004)

Stop demagogy!

Dubya is using the same tricks as Chavez and could get the same results as his fellow dictator if the American audience doesn't get any wake up call. Soon.Time to remember how inspirational the man can be, but how delusive he actually is.

Time to say "It's democracy, stupid".

Some extracts from his inauguration speech (20010120) :

  • . "Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations."
    => A seed of torture upon a wind of shock and awe. What kind of freedom and democracy are you talking about?
  • . "America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness."
    => Some still do expect that from you. Along with apologies.
  • . "If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most".
    => You're gifted with precognition, man.
  • . "We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors".
    => And we will use weapons of mass disinformation, so that our voters are spared the horrors we provoque and even sometimes commit.
  • . "The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake: America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power that favors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, we will speak for the values that gave our nation birth."
    => Make no mistake : now all nations despise your arrogance and your betrayal of your own nation's values.
  • . "And I can pledge our nation to a goal : when we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side."
    => Yeah. You just drove the damn tank over him. And made sure the damns walls were fully destroyed.
  • . "America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued and expected."
    => Thus, we'd value and are expecting your non reelection.
  • . "Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom."
    => Family bonds it is. Along with honored acts of indecency. The problem is the public interest depends on your very private character.
  • . "After the Declaration of Independance was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson : 'We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm ?' Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life. This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm."
    => What a quote ! You knew from the start the race was about swift boats and dignity. You just don't fit in, and the Karl Rove directing the storm is no angel. Learn more about duty and service in your public library (I don't think there will be many other books in your own prez library than your faves : "My Pet Goat", the Reverend Moon's autobiography, "An End To Evil" by Richard Pearle and David Frum... and of course The Stubborn Again Christian Handbook...).
Some extracts from Dubya's acceptance speech (20001213) :
  • . "Our nation must rise above a house divided. Americans share hopes and goals and values far more important than any political disagreements"
    => Are the US more divided now than 4 years ago ? Betcha !
  • . "I know America wants reconciliation and unity. I know Americans want progress. And we must seize this moment and deliver."
    => Like seizing Iraq and delivering goodies to old pals ?
  • . "Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens".
    => Courtesy might be your middle name, when you let Karl do the dirty job (I love the "Turd Blossom" you use as a nickname for your first counselor).
  • . "Together, we will work to make all our public schools excellent, teaching every student of every background and every accent, so that no child is left behind".
    => Taught 'em how to die in Iraq, didn't you ? Why didn't you include your own major (Dodger 101) in your costly tuition program?
  • . "Together we will save Social Security and renew its promise of a secure retirement for generations to come."
    => Social Security and secure retirement for all, no former Halliburton CEO should be left behind.
  • . "Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors"
    => Too bad daddy let you use all these non-prescription drugs when you were young...
  • . "Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve."
    => ... and a jumbo size deficit while you're at it.
  • . "Together we'll have a bipartisan foreign policy true to our values and true to our friends, and we will have a military equal to every challenge and superior to every adversary."
    => By "bipartisan", you meant Lookheed and Martin ? Halli and Burton ? Come on ! Gimme a break. But your military surpasses Saddam's, that's for sure. Even in torture.
  • . "This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration."
    => Compassionate conservatism indeed. Now you and your compadres can leave. Please.
  • . "These priorities are not merely Republican concerns or Democratic concerns; they are American responsibilities."
    => Now I get it. You read by mistake Al's acceptance speech.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the New Lie - France was not against a war on Iraq (if all other options failed)

Archives 20040829 (see blogules 2004)

GWB on CNN's Larry King Live : "this debate on coalitions is a very interesting debate. Sometimes I think they're basically saying that there is no such thing as a coalition unless the French are involved. But the truth of the matter is, the French are involved in Afghanistan, and the French have been involved in Haiti. The French government just didn't agree with the decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power. And, therefore, there was a difference of opinion on that issue."

A Frenchman, I cannot accept this lie : the issue was not about removing Saddam from power but about starting a war with a wrong motive, without any propper peace strategy, but with a clear and immediate danger of fueling terrorism across the planet in general and BRINGING it to Iraq in particular. The war in Afghanistan was completely linked to the war on terror. Too bad Mr Bush used this token for an illegal wild ride, forgetting to finish the job where it mattered : instead of financing what was planned there, he's asking for more billions to cover up his mess in Baghdad. Afghanistan is back to drug mass production, insecurity, corruption and intolerance. Dismission accomplished.

Bush should remember the position of the French government : they were not against a war on Iraq, but only if all other options failed. War isn't only a matter of boys using toys and friends getting contracts. The decision of going to war should not be left into the hands of this man.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Bush's doubletalk

Archives 20040829 (see blogules 2004)

Bush never flipflops. He is always the same self : a dangerous demagogist using whatever words are needed to win. If he always told what he thinks, he would reveal himself as he truly is : a stubborn again Christian, a power abuser, an amoral wannabe who by mistake or theft somehow managed to become the most powerful person in the world. And who now is doing whatever it takes to fool us 4 more years.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Bush - Stealing words

Archives 20040829 (see blogules 2004)

"Building a safer world and a more hopeful America" will be GWB's wrap up address to the Republican Convention.

Once again using the opposite side's words to make them his own, with just more media power. You may even hear an inspiring Dubya in a few days. The same kind of moving address he gave at his inauguration four years ago. The same smoke screen to cover his hidden agenda up.

Enough of this. Expose him. Do not let America be betrayed once again.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the use of terror - Terrorists and Resistants

20040828 (see blogules 2004)

(discussion about the definition of a terrorist)

Defining a terrorist is actually a tricky task. I'd rather use the expression "terrorist actions" or better "actions of terror" since a terrorist is defined by his actions rather than by his permanent state (Arafat proved a former terrorist could be awarded a Nobel Prize).

Terrorists and resistants shouldn't be opposed since resistance is an aim and terror a means. Thus, some resistants do use terror. Does the aim justify the means is another question - I guess a true resistant should resist certain temptations.

One should also avoid the dangerous turf of "good vs evil" to draw the line. The problem with Bush is the way he uses terror and even the word "terror". To me, his definition of a terrorist should be extended to anyone threatening his reelection.

Still, there is a notion of "positive action" or kind of : with resistance and sabotage, you are opposing a force directly, sometimes through its symbol if you cannot manage any "better". With terror you can also weaken an ennemy overwhelmingly stronger than you, but you do not strike at the source of the force and go for the weakest part of the society. Bringing fear and destruction is the thing, and publicity (at home and/or abroad) a must. And the action is more important than the actor (terrorist) : the fear is greater if you do not know who's striking. I am anyone and everyone, I can strike anyone anywhere anytime.

SM on a forum

PS : don't get me wrong : Bin Laden won't get a Nobel prize (except maybe for his command of TNT, a Nobel invention)

White Blogule to the Young Republicans - Young Republicans Denounce Bush

20040824 (see blogules 2004)

Once again, in George Bush's Divided States of America, the great divide is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between the people who respect democracy and the republic on one side, and this very Bush Administration on the other one.

The wake up call from the young generation of Republicans exposed in this article is great news for the Republican Party, but also American politics in general. The John-John ticket should rejoice as well:
"Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004 - Earlier this month, a group of students met in Washington to bash George W. Bush, debate the power of multinational corporations and hear a speaker who denounced the Iraq war, the Patriot Act and stricter airport security. A leader of these college kids calls them "the new counterculture", but here's the thing: they aren't liberals. The 185 students were in Washington to attend the 26th annual National Conservative Student Conference."

From "The Right's New Wing", an article by John Cloud in Time Magazine.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Ralph Nader - Independent days are over

Archives 20040822 (see blogules 2004)

Nader tipping balance ? The guy's accepting tips from Republican supported lobbies : CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy / Freedomworks) will help him get on the ballot in key states. Nader 2004 declined to answer when I asked their position regarding this support. Stop telling lies Ralphie: you are no more independent.

Just have a look at the CSE's website:
=> Their press releases : "Michigan CSE Turns Out Members for Nader Ballot Push"
=> The profiles of both CSE CEOs :
  • "Dick Armey - co-chairman of CSE - Former Majority Leader D.A. has had a very distinguished career as Congressman for the 26th District of Texas. He was active in passing legislation related to military base closure and realignments, agriculture subsidy reforms, free trade, education scolarships for disadvantaged children and Homeland Security. He has served as ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, as Chairman of the Republican Conference and as Majority Leader of the House where he had full responsibility for the legislative schedule. During his last year as a Member of Congress he served as Chairman of the Select Committee on Homeland Security.
  • "C. Boyden Gray - co-chairman of CSE - Gray is a partner at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering where he focuses on a range of regulatory matters including, environmental, biotechnology, trade, clean air, and risk management. Gray served as counsel to George Bush, during his terms as president and vice president. Gray also clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and earned his law degree from the University of North Carolina Law School.
=> Some quotes from CSE supporters in the "about us" section (I just picked up 3 names out of 5) :
  • "Folks, you've got to get to know this organization... They have been doing a great job all over the country educating people". President George W. Bush (NB : the expert in education known for slashing education budgets and taking some time to read My Pet Goat)
  • "CSE is one of the most effective grassroots lobbying organizations around - anywhere." Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris (NB : yeah, that Kathy Harris who made sure Florida voters were betrayed)
  • "You guys are everywhere" - Florida Governor Jeb Bush (NB : brrrr, even at the Supreme Court ? - scary, uh?)
Shall we let Bush-Nader 2004 get the same results as Bush-Nader 2000 ? Let us expose Nader's contradictions.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to Power Outrages

Archives 20040816 (see blogules 2004)

(enough talking about his daughter's coming out - let's discuss about Cheney's military service records)
His military service : yet to be filled
His services to the military lobbies: filled her up and keeps on emptying the tanks

(discussion about fear keeping Bush in power)
The guy is addicted to power but has a knack for ending running on empty after overusing it. In the past, there was always someone to inject him some more fuel (ie his Harken Oil failure). The same guys keep on financing his campaign. When his toys went bankrupt, it didn't matter but now the Federal Budget and the lives of many are at stakes. It's time for a wake up call across America: this man is dangerous and should be kept away from power.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "COMMANDER IN THIEF" (continued)

Archives 20040817

(discussion following the previous blogule: some newsflash for Bush, part of the planning and training for 9/11 was performed in Germany)

Here's another newsflash, Dubya: there may be oil in Iraq, but there may be nukes in North Korea and the former soviet states. Too bad your Texas buddies don't give a Hoover Dam about other energy sources...

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the "COMMANDER IN THIEF"

Archives 20040816 (see blogules 2004)

Caught stealing bases, our "Commander In Thief" manages to collect a few hundred thousand votes withdrawing troops from countries where the US are unlikely to strike soon (unless the neocons want to hunt some "weasels" in Germany, that is).

How are the boys supposed to take that in Baghdad, Dubya ? Do 70,000 happy families compensate the 1,000 or so stricken by a death provoked by your stubbornness, the few thousands coping with a wounded relative ?

Now you pretend to be a "Peace President". Considering the excuse of a war you set up, I'd rather not see you destroy the image of peace I have. Go back to your ranch and shoot some ducks with your pal Dick (tip: book in advance). Leave the commands to someone who knows about risking his own skin, dodging real bullets (and sometimes receiving others) instead of dodging his duties (and sometimes stealing others).

SM on a forum

White Blogule for Fahrenheit 9/11 - THE NEW MOORE'S LAW

Archives 20040716 (see blogules 2004) - PUBLISHED IN "NEWSWEEK" (20041018)

The new Moore's Law ? Double the intensity of the attacks at each new movie ! Indeed, this Sumo-size Robin Hood can irritate with his biases and narrative gimmicks, and "Fahrenheit 9/11" may not be the most brilliant documentary on the Bush administration's flaws, but the President can feel the heat much better since it targets his core audience, not the liberal edges of the East and West Coasts, and because it uses the same weapons : striking images, basic words.


White Blogule to Kerry-Edwards' positive campaign

Archives 20040715-19

(discussion on the pros and cons of positive campaigning)

20040715 - I fully agree : let Michael Moore do the dirty job and match Dubya's Weapons of Mass Disinformation (in your face images, basic words, tears). John² will then stand at their usual and positive level, leagues over the neo-con junk talk.

20040719 - Playing "good cop - bad cop" with the likes of Moore or is actually a kind of risky game and will succeed only if overall both manage to expose BC00-04's true nature to the American people.

This means a true debate which the Reps might want to skip, just like they did for every other aspect of democracy. Bring it on folks.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the Bush imposture - Bush is neither FDR nor Churchill

Archives 20040605 (see blogules 2004)

France cannot thank the US enough for the 1944 Liberation.

But I cannot accept the indecence of Bush when he dares comparing himself to FDR and Churchill, comparing post-war Iraq and post-war Europe. If a comparison were to be made, 1918-19 would be more suitable than 1944-45. The poor handling of the victory vs Germany shaped the next World War and was key to the rise of Hitler.

As a Frenchman I'm ashamed of the way we humiliated Germany back then with the Versailles treaty, even occupying part of their country and exploiting their natural ressources in key industrial regions (without the help of Halliburton but as boldly).

Among the frustrated, a young wounded Austrian soldier overwhelmed by his own anger. His name : Adolf Hitler.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to neo-fascists - LET'S FACE IT THEY'RE FASCISTS

Archives 20040527-0602 (see blogules 2004)

(Disinfopedia discussion about the definition of "neo-cons" - "formerly liberals, now conservatives" ? should they be called "imperialists" instead ?)

"Neo" is too positive a prefix for such a medieval mob. Strangely enough, the "neo-cons" hate the liberals just like the Nazis hated (among too many others) the socialists and communists. And the word "Nazi" comes from National Socialism...

As far as I'm concerned, I'd dub them "fascists" rather than "imperialists". Such is fascism as defined by Benito Mussolini himself in 1932 (note that there is also a reference to imperialism...) :
  • Definition of Fascism by Benito Mussolini - 1932 (Source

  • . "Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism -- born of a renunciation of the struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the peoples who have courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put men into the position where they have to make the great decision -- the alternative of life or death"...

  • . "Fascism combats the whole complex system of democratic ideology, and repudiates it, whether in its theoretical premises or in its practical application. Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society; its denies that numbers alone can govern by means of a periodical consultation, and it affirms the immuable, beneficial, and fruitful inequality of mankind, which can never be permanently leveled through the mere operation of a mechanical process such as universal suffrage. (...) Fascism denies, in democracy, the absurd conventional untruth of political equality dressed out in the garb of collective irresponsibility, and the myth of "happiness" and indefinite progress."...

  • . "The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim. Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State. The conception of the Liberal State is not that of a directing force, guiding the play and development, both material and spiritual, of a collective body, but merely a force limited to the function of recording results : on the other hand, the Fascist State is itself conscious and has itself a will and a personality -- thus it may be called the "ethic" State"...

  • . "The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone"...

  • . "For Fascism, the growth of empire, that is to say the expansion of the nation, is an essential manifestation of vitality, and its opposite a sign of decadence. Peoples which are rising, or rising again after a period of decadence, are always imperialists; and renunciation is a sign of decay and of death. Fascism is the doctrine best adapted to represent the tendencies and the aspirations of a people, like the people of Italy, who are rising again after many centuries of abasement and foreign servitude. But empire demands disciplin, the coordination of all forces and a deeply felt sense of duty and sacrifice; this fact explains many aspects of the practical working of the regime, the character of many forces in the State, and the necessarily severe measures which must be taken against those who would oppose this spontaneous and inevitable movement of Italy in the nineteenth century - repudiated wheresoever there has been the courage to undertake great experiments of social and political transformation; for never before has the nation stood more in need of authority, of direction and order. If every age has its own characteristic doctrine, there are a thousand signs which point to Fascism as the characteristic doctrine of our time. For if a doctrine must be a living thing, this is proved by the fact that Fascism has created a living faith; and that this faith is very powerful in the minds of men is demonstrated by those who have suffered and died for it"...
Doesn't it ring any (alarm) bell ?

SM on Disinfopedia
(NB : this blogule led to a massive diffusion of literature comparing Bush and Benito)

Bases are loaded, folks. "The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom". And we shall dub this "The Patriot Act".
Oh yes it's good to be the king, ooh la la
Q : who released those two unforgettable quotes ?
. 'I'm the commander - see, I don't need to explain - I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel I owe anybody* an explanation."
. "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it".
A : George W Bush aka King Dubya from The Banana Republic of The Divided States of America. Someone who never flip-flops when high moral standards are required (still dodging after all these years).
* Anybody ? How about the American people ? Duh ! I forgot you don't owe them anything since they didn't elect you...

What, me worry?
Totally Mad!


Red Blogule to the Abu Ghraib destruction - MEMORY : DELETED

Archives 20040508 (see blogules 2004)

All Abu Ghraib prisoners have been freed and this prison will selfdestruct in five monthes. If any enquiry were to be made we'd deny everything...

Just like the infamous barracks of Auschwitz had to be conserved so that mankind never forgets, Abu Ghraib has the potential for becoming a place of remembrance. Not glorious for the US, but highly necessary for the Iraqi people, in order to avoid any sick Saddam nostalgia.

GW Bush somehow shares the same vision of History as the Taliban or Wahabbit extremists who destroy antique buddahs or mosques : anything that doesn't fit their vision should be destroyed forever.

You cannot rebuild anything strong on such grounds.

SM on a forum

Red Blogule to the bombing of Fallujah - Bombing, for image's sake - Bush is only targeting the US audience

20040429 (see blogules 2004)

Bush doesn't want the US audience to watch actual images of actual bodies covering the actual ground (especially those of American citizens - he never took into consideration the thousands of dead Irakis).

So CNN can move back to their video war : infrared features, no close-ups, just the sound of air strikes from a far distance, animations of up-to-date aircrafts exposing their Weapons of Mass Distraction, and the "Live" label in one corner of the screen to have people stay tuned around the clock to this excuse for a war.

Once again, covering up the mess. You may be embedded in our squads but please do not wake our citizens up. Get them the Valium we're prescribing but do not mention the side effects (or is it collateral damage ?). No pictures of coffins, thanks.

Of course this doesn't help the US forces in Iraq : they look even more remote from the population. Cut out from the country but deep into it at the same time. Hostages in a stubborn, dangerous man's reelection show.

Smile to the camera, son. Who knows, you may be in BC04's next ad.

SM on a forum
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